
Durdle Door-Summer 2017

That’s right, i have visited this beautiful place again this summer with another bunch of lovely people and had an amazing time!! if you haven’t seen my previous post about Durdle Door, please click the following link to know more about location, opening time etc : https://travblog.com/england/durdle-door-dorset.html

the vibes are different every time!

This time around, we went on a very hot sunny summer day and it was heavily crowded! it seemed like the entire country was there. But don’t get me wrong, i did enjoy it very much. Last time it was much more like a ‘nature pilgrimage’ sort of journey. We all sat in silence and listened to the waves, had cool breeze on our face while we climbed the hill watching the sun setting in the background. This time the mood was quite the opposite, hot summer sun was burning on our face, there were people everywhere, kids and dogs running around…it was colourful, filled with full of energy and it was brilliant! Downside was long queue to get to car park, toilet, shops etc but we had some food and drinks with us so we didn’t struggle that much. If you are taking kids, make sure they stay hydrated as the walk down the hill and back up in the hot weather can be extremely tiring. Watch the kids at all times as you can see it is very narrow and steep and no need to stress the importance of sensible footwear. Have fun exploring this paradise 🙂

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  • Reply umiko November 8, 2017 at 6:23 pm

    Oh my gosh! I think that’s too crowded for me. I won’t be able to enjoy my time there. It’s good that you could though.

  • Reply Renata Bresciani November 8, 2017 at 6:26 pm

    Beautiful pictures!! I have to take a trip there!! Thank you for sharing!I’ve never even heard of this place before.

  • Reply Sherrie November 8, 2017 at 6:54 pm

    Beautiful beach! I can see why it got crowded once the sun came out. Looks like a challenge to get to it, but it doesn’t seem to keep people away 🙂

  • Reply Razena | Tantalisemytastebuds.com November 8, 2017 at 7:41 pm

    The setting at the foot of the cliff makes it a very beautiful and scenic place to spend the day. I guess one would have to get there quite early on a summer’s day to find a good spot for a picnic and some sunbathing.

  • Reply UnaVeronicaVagante November 8, 2017 at 8:21 pm

    How I miss summer!
    I can totally picture the Durdle door as a “nature pilgrimage” as you said. It must be incredible!

  • Reply Dia November 9, 2017 at 7:47 am

    Such a beautiful place! Though, I think I prefer the beach empty or with less people.

  • Reply Lyne November 9, 2017 at 2:50 pm

    Durdle Door is such a pretty beach! Such beautiful coast. It obviously looks better with the sun although the crowd can be a little off putting ahah. I will definitely visit in the futur !

  • Reply Erin November 9, 2017 at 7:35 pm

    Wow, what an incredible landscape! I’m always amazed by how diverse the scenery is in the UK. Although hot summer days at the beach can be fun, I think I’d prefer the less-crowded “nature pilgrimage” you described : )

  • Reply Mayi Mac November 10, 2017 at 7:29 am

    This place is so spectacular no wonder it’s jam packed on a sunny day! By looking at your amazing pictures it must have been an equally amazing day with the sky so blue…
    PS: I like the parking for pushchairs, it takes the hassle of carrying all the way downstairs!

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